Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Prelude to the Story of Awesome

Ok. I know. I got all excited and started a new blog, and only had the one initial update. Well, listen...it's for a reason. I actually, for once in my life, have a good excuse. A GREAT excuse, I think.

I used to have a blog before this one. The "All Tied Up in Notts" blog. I always felt overwhelmed with it because there was SO much to write about when I lived in an awesomely foreign country. Since moving back to the States, I have been stuck in this awful "eh..." state of mind: I'm back to "normal" life again...what on earth is exciting about that? What on earth would I have to write about? Nothing about my life will ever be exciting again...woe is me, etc., etc.

The whole point of me starting a new blog was for me to track the exciting moments in my life. I've decided to stop being a snob who thinks life in Florida is "too normal" and actively pursue the journey out of this "eh..." funk. The greatest day of my life is coming in less than a year, and it's up to me to open my eyes and realize how blessed I am. I DO believe that I have a great life - wonderful family, fantastic friends, a good job, and the occasional "this is funny!" story will happen to me. I figured if I started writing again, I would be able to see - all in one place - that God is good to me, He is still using me, and NO MATTER WHERE I LIVE I have a life interesting enough to read about.

Since starting this blog on my birthday, some very interesting things have happened in my life. I have wanted so badly to write about them. I have started writing out my thoughts, and eventually it will formulate into a blog. But please do know...GOD IS GOOD! Right when I needed to know that, He provided me with a really, truly, completely awesome story. I am excited to share it with you.

But not just yet. :)

Allow me to sort through my thoughts and process what God is doing in my life, and then...and only then...will I share my Story of Awesome with you.

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